Tuesday, December 18, 2018

5 Ways to Ensure Tenants Change Their HVAC Filters

HVAC is an acronym that all landlords should become familiar with. HVAC stands for Heating, Ventilation & Air Conditioning (HVAC). The HVAC system is that will keep a rental unit cool in the summer and warm in the winter. That means that the HVAC unit has quite a huge responsibility in making your rental unit comfortable for tenants all throughout the year. 
This means that keeping the HVAC system running smoothly year-around not only saves the landlord a lot of money but that it can also cost if the HVAC system breaks down. 
What can a landlord do to ensure that the HVAC system stays up and running? Well, one simple step that can be taken is to ensure that the tenant is changing the HVAC filter on a regular basis.
How does the landlord ensure that their tenants are changing their HVAC filters regularly? Well, there are several approaches a landlord can take to ensure that the HVAC filters are changed in their rental units regularly. The following are a 5 of the ways a landlord can choose to approach this matter:
  1. Make It Part of the Leasing Contract: Consider making it part of the lease that the tenants are responsible for replacing the HVAC filter on a regular basis to prevent the HVAC from having maintenance issues in the future. If the HVAC filters are not changed regularly the landlord can point out that the lease was not followed and that can make the tenant responsible for damages that the unchanged filters cause to the unit.
  2. Consider Providing Residents HVAC Filters: The amount of time between HVAC filter changes will vary based on the unit's occupants and their needs, however, the average time between HVAC filter changes should be about 3 months (90 days). If you add a pet (cat or dog) to the unit then the filter should be changed every 2 months (60 days). Adding more than one pet (cat or dog) to the unit and the filter should be changed every 20 to 45 days. Providing tenants with the HVAC filters to change them often as they need to (based on the unit's occupants) gives the tenants no excuses not to change them on a schedule.
  3. Change the Filters During Quarterly Inspections: Have the HVAC filters changed during a scheduled quarterly (every 3 months or 90 days) unit inspection. Many landlords do quarterly inspections for units (especially those with children and/or pets living in them) to ensure that there is no significant damage done to the property. This presents a great time for the landlord to change the filter in the unit to ensure that they do not go unchanged.
  4. When the Filter is Inserted - Write the Date On the Side: Writing the dates on the filter when you provide it to the residents or change the filters yourself can give you a clue as to when the filters were changed last. If your unit has been recently vacated and you have HVAC problems and find a filter that is two years old, you will know what the reason for the issues are. Then you will know if the tenants who were neglecting to change their HVAC filters could have possibly contributed to the HVAC problems that you are having.
  5. Let the Property Management Company Handle It: If you hire a property management company that oversees your properties, consider having them check the HVAC filters as part of their assigned maintenance for each unit. Property management companies can ensure that tenants are responsible and changing the filter if that was stipulated in their lease or ensure that they are doing it on a regular basis if it's considered "routine" property maintenance.
These are 5 key ways that landlord can incentivize their tenants to continue to change the HVAC filters and keep the unit running smoothly.


These aforementioned measures can make it clear to the tenant that they need to be changing the HVAC filters regularly so that the HVAC system stays in good working condition. Ensuring that the unit is cared for properly can help the landlord avoid major expenses and repairs down the road.

Monday, December 10, 2018

10 Expert Tips to Keep in Mind to Ensure a Great Open House

Holding a successful open house is key when it comes to helping sell properties quickly and when real estate agents have to turn over properties for their clients. Open housesare when potential buyers see the home and determine if that specific property will meet the needs of their family (and their budget). Putting your best foot forward is crucial to ensuring that clients leave with the best possible impression of the property and are interested in making offers on the house that they saw.
Organizing and putting on a great open house is key to helping give visitors the best first impressions possible. Having said that, the following are 10F great tips to keep in mind when hosting an open house that will leave viewers coming back with irresistible offers:
  1. Greet Everyone As They Enter: First impressions matter in the real estate world and there is no better way to make that impression than to introduce yourself to each person as they come in the door. Being there to support them through their tour and guide them through the open house helps to leave a "good taste" in their mouth and ensures that they notice all of the perks and selling points that make the property unique.
  2. Learn About the Area: Understand the neighborhood and area that the home is located in. For example, if the area has a low crime rate that helps prospective homeowners feels safer or if the area has great schools it's up to you to highlight that! If it's close to the interstate or highway for an easy commute or has shopping nearby that adds convenience to the family's life it's up to you share with prospective buyers. The more perks the area offers the more people that will want to move there as they see that it fits their lifestyle.
  3. Advertise the Open House: Sharing information about the open house both on social media and on the internet is a great way to get the word out that another new and awesome property is on the market! Hanging up signs around the neighborhood and also putting your information in newspapers is another way to get the word out. Using TV and radio advertisements helps also. Any way to share and spread the word is worthwhile. The more people who know about it, the more that will come if they are in the market for a new home. Finally, more people seeing the property means there's a better chance that someone will buy it.
  4. Consider When You Are Holding Open Houses: Most open houses should either be held at night (but not too late - no later than 8 pm to 9 pm at the latest) and weekends. However, offer the option of customized viewing times for people who work an irregular schedule or have obligations that prevent them from coming at "peak" hours. The more flexible you are the more people that will come see your property which increases your chances of a speedy sale!
  5. Provide Hor'Dourves & Drinks: Give clients a reason to hang around a bit longer. Providing light Hor'Dourves and drinks allows clients to stand around and chat with other open house guests while they enjoy a refreshment. It adds a nice touch to the event and makes the clients feel like it's appreciated that they came out. It doesn't have to be fancy but simple snacks and drinks can add a great finishing touch to the feel of an open house.
  6. Up the Curb Appeal: Providing a nice, clean front yard and view of the home will give customers the best first impressions possible. Keep the home looking lively but not over cluttered with landscaping. Cut the lawn. Powerwash the porch and driveway to keep them as bright as possible. Ensuring that everything is in place will help clients picture themselves in that home before they even step inside!
  7. Create a Neutral Environment: Keeping everything neutral helps appeal to more people's tastes. Using lots of neutral colors for everything from the color the home is painted to the walls painted inside helps people imagine their lives in that space. The painting also seems easier to many people if it's a white or beige color rather than bright, bold colors that may turn people off immediately. Light floor and wall colors also help open up space and make it look even bigger than it really is. Leave the slate blank so people can picture customizing it to their styles rather than doing anything too extreme that will turn potential buyers off from the property, despite how great it otherwise may be.
  8. Clean Up After Each Open House: Keeping the home clean is the biggest key to selling it. Simple things like ensuring the beds are made properly and the pillows on the couches are organized is key to putting a neat and tidy look forward. Cleaning up footprints and vacuuming rugs and carpet can provide a clean, put-together look that will allow customers to see the home in the best light. 
  9. Provide Take-Home Information: Provide basic information such as floor plans and basic information on the home and neighborhood for people to take home. This helps them when comparing their favorite properties before they make an offer. Referring to that can remind them of what they saw and helps them realize how great your property is compared to what else is on the market at that time!
  10. Thank Everyone For Coming: Just like you greeted people when they came, leaving them with a warm and sincere "thank you for coming" makes them feel like their presence meant something and helps them feel appreciated. It also leaves them recommending you as someone other friends and family might use than needing someone in real estate to help them sell their home or move.
These are 10 great tips to help a real estate agent who is hosting an open house do so in a way that clients won't soon forget! 


Great curb appeal helps the customers relate to the home before they even step inside. Being a polite and gracious host will make a great first impression. Showing them around the property helps them note all of the property's perks that they may otherwise not have noticed. Providing information about the property helps them go home and compare it to other "favorites" they saw and ensures that you showcase what a great deal this property is compared to others on the market. Those great impressions can lead to more offers and faster sales times, even for newer real estate agents.

Thursday, December 6, 2018

6 Tips for Determining Your Rental Renovation Budget

When it comes to renovating a rental property, it's easy to splash out all kinds of excess money on the property without being sure that you will get the money back when you go to the rent the unit out. This is why it's important to have a renovation budget for the rental unit(s) that you are looking to remodel. You want to consider a balance of both ensuring that the upgrades are tasteful and modern and will appeal to the renter group that you are targeting but you must also do it methodically and on a budget to ensure that you are not spending more than you can get back out of the unit in the future.
The following are 6 great tips to consider when renovating a rental unit to ensure that you get your money back and that you don't overspend making the unit feel both modern and livable as possible:
  • Determine what you are willing to spend on the renovation and set the maximum amount you are willing to spend on the project.
  • Consider where you might be able to get "cheaper" alternatives that still provide the same effect. For example, consider alternatives to granite countertops such as such as marble or consider using laminate flooring rather than its more expensive counterpart of wood flooring.
  • Consider what tasks you might be able to do yourself to help save money and which ones you don't want to skimp on hiring experts to help you do.
  • Consider possibly renovating one room at a time to keep the costs in check and the project from taking too long so that your rental unit is not sitting empty and losing won't lose too much money at one time.
  • Consider energy upgrades that are green and energy efficient so that they are able to save money on utilities and other costs associated with the use of energy in their unit.
  • Consider outdoor maintenance and be sure to keep the area appealing and looking nice. The outside of the home is what the prospective tenant will see first, so make that first impressions count. 
These are just 6 great tips and ideas to keep in mind when you are renovating a rental property for potential tenants. In the end, you want the space to look modern and livable yet you want to be sure that you are not spending more money than you will be able to get back from the tenant renting the property. 


When you are renovating your rental properties be sure to stick to your budget so that you can get your money back in the amount that you are able to ask for the monthly rent. While you want to upgrade the rental to make it modern and livable you also want durability to play a role as the more durable the materials you use are the less you will have to do when renovating in the future. That balance should create a clear idea of what your renovation budget is to ensure that you are both able to make your money go far as possible for you and that you are able to get your rental back on the market soon as possible.