Sunday, October 29, 2023

HVAC Abuse?

 HVAC Abuse: What It Is and How to Avoid It

Your Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning system (HVAC) is central to keeping your home comfortable throughout the year. It works hard to regulate temperatures and maintain a healthy environment by filtering out pollutants. However, many homeowners unintentionally abuse their systems by neglecting regular maintenance or using them improperly.

Failing to look after your HVAC can lead to various problems, including premature wear and tear, increased energy bills, and costly repairs. To help keep your system performing optimally, this article discusses what HVAC abuse is and how to prevent it.


What is HVAC Abuse?

HVAC abuse refers to the misuse, neglect, or improper handling of heating and cooling systems that can result in harm or damage to the equipment, a decrease in its efficiency, and a shorter lifespan. Just like any other mechanical equipment, HVACs require routine maintenance and responsible usage to function optimally. 


Different Ways Individuals Abuse HVACs

Neglecting Regular Maintenance

Neglect is one of the most common forms of HVAC abuse. Consistent maintenance ensures your HVAC system operates efficiently and safely. Neglecting it can lead to clogged filters, dirty coils, and poor airflow. Over time, these issues can cause the system to work harder and consume more energy, which may increase your utility bills and shorten the lifespan of the HVAC unit.

Setting Extreme Temperatures

While it's natural to want a comfortable indoor temperature, setting the thermostat to extreme levels can harm your HVAC system. Pushing your AC to its maximum cool setting in the summer or cranking up the heat in the winter can increase your energy consumption and put undue stress on the system. Instead, opt for moderate temperatures that are comfortable and energy-efficient.

Overlooking Air Filter Changes

The air filter in your HVAC system plays a vital role in maintaining indoor air quality and system efficiency. Failing to periodically replace these components allows dust, dirt, and contaminants to accumulate. This not only hinders the system's performance but also lowers the quality of the air you breathe. 

Blocking Vents and Registers

Blocking vents and registers may seem like a minor issue, yet it can lead to significant problems. When vents are obstructed by furniture, curtains, or other objects, the HVAC system has to work harder to distribute conditioned air, which can strain the blower motor and minimize efficiency.


Steps to Take to Prevent HVAC Abuse

Preventing HVAC abuse helps ensure the longevity and effectiveness of your heating and cooling system. Here are some practical steps you can take to avoid abuse and extend the life of your HVAC system:

Schedule Regular Maintenance

Have your system inspected and serviced at least once a year by a qualified HVAC technician. During these visits, the technician can clean components, check for issues, and verify that everything is in good working order. Maintenance prevents abuse, saves you money in the long run by avoiding costly repairs and improves energy efficiency.

Change Air Filters

Air filters should be replaced or cleaned frequently, based on the filter type and the manufacturer's recommendations. Clean air filters ensure your HVAC system functions correctly while maintaining indoor air quality. This simple task can have a substantial impact on your system's performance and durability.

Use a Programmable Thermostat

A programmable thermostat allows you to set specific temperature schedules for different times of the day. This feature enables you to maintain a comfortable environment without overworking your HVAC system. For example, adjust the temperature to a cooler or warmer setting when you're home and set it accordingly when you're away or sleeping, saving energy and preventing abuse.

Clear Obstructions

Ensure all vents and registers are free from obstructions. Furniture, curtains, and other objects should not block the flow of air. Doing that allows for better airflow, reduces strain on the HVAC system, and promotes even heating and cooling throughout your living space.



Your HVAC system is a valuable asset that requires care and attention. HVAC abuse can lead to inefficiency, increased energy bills, and costly repairs. By following these steps and being mindful of how you use your heating and cooling system, you can enjoy a comfortable indoor environment and extend the lifespan of your equipment. 

How do you Know Your Ready to Hire a Property Management Company?

 6 Signs You're Ready to Hire a Property Management Company

Buying an extra house and renting it to tenants can be exciting. Becoming a landlord is a big financial milestone for most people, and it can be fun to go through the process of accepting tenants and looking after a rental house. However, there often comes a time when managing your rentals is less fun and more challenge than it used to be. Whether your portfolio is too big or your life has become more demanding, the best way to offload some of the landlord responsibilities is to hire a skilled property management company. 

Property managers specialize in ensuring rental houses are properly run, from tenant screening to maintenance and repairs. How do you know when you're ready to hire your first property manager? There are a few signs that any landlord can begin to recognize when it's time to keep enjoying the income and equity, but also hand over the managerial reigns.  


You Own Two or More Rental Properties

The more rental homes you own, the more time and effort it takes to manage them. Taking care of one house and family of tenants can be novel and fun, but two, three, five, or more rental homes can become more than one person can handle. Even with a great network of local service teams, you might start to feel that it's too much work to do by yourself. A property management company will unleash a team of pros to ensure each and every property (and their tenants) get the right amount of attention and care.


You Need More Time to Focus on Your Family or Career

Having the funds to buy a rental property probably means that you've got a good career going. If your career accelerates and demands more of your time, you may no longer have time for your landlording hobby. The same is true if family obligations arise, from having your first child to caring for sick relatives. Of course, someone has to continue tending your properties and their tenants, which is what a property management company does best.


You Don't Enjoy the Tenant Turnover Process

The single most challenging part of being a landlord is the tenant turnover process. When a tenant leaves,  you need to get the place cleaned, repainted, photographed, and re-marketed. You need to screen applicants, secure a new tenant, and walk your new tenants through the move-in/checklist/house-rules process. If this isn't your idea of a good time, it can become less fun with each cycle. Property management teams specialize in fast turnover with professional tenant screening processes so you don't have to worry when a reliable tenant leaves.


You No Longer Live Near Your Rental Properties

Sometimes, landlords have reason to move away from their original home city, which can leave valuable rental properties behind. If you live far away from your rental properties, you can still make sure they are taken care of by hiring a property management company in the area. There will be someone local that your tenants can call, who can perform turnover and inspections, and who can deal with local maintenance services.


You're Not Sure Who to Call for Repairs or Maintenance Services

Being an active landlord involves building a network of reliable home maintenance teams. However, if this isn't your thing and you're never sure who to call, you can still reap the financial benefits of owning an investment property. A property management team can handle the details of taking care of tenants and the rental house on your behalf.


The Novelty of Being a Landlord Has Worn Off

Lastly, you may have enjoyed being a landlord for a while, but for some, the novelty eventually wears off. If you are no longer having fun and just want the property to take care of itself, a property management company can easily make that happen for you. All you'll need to do is approve the occasional decision or maintenance expense and your management team will handle the rest.


When You're Ready to Hand Over the Reigns

If you have a local rental property (or several properties) and don't have the time or focus to be an attentive landlord right now, don't worry. Many investment homeowners partner with a property management company to ensure that their properties are well-tended and their tenants are kept safe. Leaf Management is proud to provide this service to investment homeowners throughout New England. Contact us today to learn more about how property management can work for you.

Tuesday, October 10, 2023

Ways to Insulate Your Property to Save Energy

Properly insulating property can help you save money on both heating and cooling the property. Insulation allows the home to maintain a more steady temperature, which means that less energy will be required to heat the home in the winter or cool it in the summer. The money saved on energy bills makes proper insulation a worthwhile investment that will eventually pay for itself.

The following are 6 tips to help ensure that your property is properly insulated to help your tenants save on energy bills whenever possible:

  • Energy-Efficient Windows: Energy-efficient windows can cut about 10-25% off of your total heating bill upon their installation. This includes replacing your single-paned windows with their double-paned counterparts. Double-paned windows can help eliminate the issue of too much heat getting through the windows in warmer environments and too much cold air getting through the windows in colder environments. Either way, it requires less energy to cool or heat your home, which means you are saving money on your energy bill each month.
  • Properly Insulate Your Walls: Properly insulating all walls of your home (including those that you do not use all the time) can help keep the heat in and the cold out during the winter and can help keep the cold in and heat out during the summer! Proper insulation for all rooms can keep the heat or air from all going to one or just a few certain rooms. It helps the entire home maintain a livable temperature without using extra energy. Soundproofing can be an additional bonus.
  • Choosing the Proper Kind of Insulation: In a world where there are so many insulations choices, choosing which insulation is right for you can be tricky and confusing. Talking to a professional can help you understand which types of insulation are right for the spaces you are looking to insulate. For example, a fiberglass batt is a great option for virtually every home and it can be installed without the help or added expense of hiring a professional to assist you.
  • Focus on the Interior First: Focusing on insulating the interior or your property first helps ensure the core, center rooms of your home are kept at a livable temperature first. These are likely the rooms that you use the most frequently. It also helps save the most money on air conditioning and heating costs as these are likely the biggest rooms in your home and take up the most energy to heat.
  • Provide Outer Walls Extra Insulation: Providing your outermost walls with extra installation can help you ensure that you are keeping the heat or air inside your home. Heating/air conditioning the great outdoors (letting the heat or air escape your home) only wastes energy and forces you to spend more on your heating or cooling costs. Consider the extra investment of an additional layer of insulation on your outer walls now as it will more than pay for itself in the future when you save money on heating and cooling.
  • Get a Quality HVAC System: Upgrading your HVAC system including your heating and cooling units can allow you to save up to 40% on your energy bills. Ensuring that you are upgrading both the heating and the cooling systems ensures that you are being more energy efficient year-around. If you use one more than the other (living in a hot or cold environment) be sure to get regular "tune-ups" on that system and keep it serviced regularly. This can save costly breakdowns or exorbitant energy bills for your family later on when something with the unit might not be working quite right.

These are 6 great steps to take to help you ensure that your property is properly insulated. This also helps you save your tenants money on the heating and cooling costs they pay while they are living at your property. Passing that savings on to your tenant is something they will appreciate and that can help you justify charging top dollar for your rental property.

An added bonus?

The extra soundproofing that keeps sounds from traveling from room to room will be appreciated if someone is watching TV and someone is sleeping in the other room as well!