Wednesday, December 28, 2022

Reading Your Local Real Estate Market


Reading Your Local Real Estate Market-Is It Going Up Or Down?

If you're considering selling or buying a home, it's essential to know how the local real estate market is doing. Not only does this help with your decision-making process, but it also gives you an idea of what other people are paying for homes in your area and whether there's anything unusual going on with those prices.

Look for a price discrepancy.

As you search for the right home, you must keep an eye out for price discrepancies. A price discrepancy is when one property has a much higher price than another. If two homes are priced at similar rates, but one is significantly more expensive than the other, this could indicate that there may be something wrong with that home—maybe it's been overpriced or undervalued by previous owners.

Alternatively, if two homes have similar prices and yet one appears to be less expensive than its neighbor on paper (i.e., has been listed at a lower asking price), then this could mean that someone didn't want to pay as much money for their house as others did for theirs! Either way: keep your eyes peeled!

Talk to your Realtor.

You must talk with your Realtor if you're trying to figure out the market and where you can sell or buy your home.

Realtors are experts on the local real estate market, so they should be able to give you some insight into what's going on in your area. They'll also have access to data on recent sales and predictions for future trends—and if something specific about your house makes it unique, this information will be precious (like how much money someone might pay for a particular room).

If all else fails, ask them what they think will happen if you put your house up for sale!

Ask about what's selling and what's not.

When looking at homes, it's essential to know what is selling and what isn't. You can use this information to determine whether or not your home is worth the time, effort and money needed to sell in your area.

Ask about what's selling and what's not. What do people like about the houses that are selling? What do they like about the ones that aren't? How much are these houses going for compared to how many were listed?

Do some research on your own.

You can also use your research to help you determine if the market is up or down. The best way to do this is by checking out a real estate website, like Zillow, Trulia or Redfin. These sites will show you information about homes for sale in your area and how much they're selling for on average. Look at what homes have recently sold for in your community and compare them with those currently listed—you may find that more people want to buy than available houses! If the number of listings you see isn't changing much over time, then it could mean that things are slowing down overall; however, if there seems like an increase every year (or two), then maybe now would be a good time to start looking again at buying something new!

Compare the number of homes sold in your area over the last few years.

To determine whether a market is going up or down, you'll want to compare the number of homes sold in your area over the last few years. If it's decreasing, this could signal that prices are dropping and the market is likely going down. On the other hand, if it's increasing over time—and especially if there were no significant dips before—this could mean that things are getting better for sellers and buyers alike (and might even signal an opportunity for you!).

How long are homes staying on the market?

The time a house stays on the market is one of the most critical factors in determining what kind of price it will sell for. If a home is listing for $300,000 and then goes back on the market again at $325,000 within two weeks (and it doesn't sell), chances are good that you're looking at a lower sale price. However, the longer this home stays on the market, the more likely it is to drop in value because there's less competition and fewer buyers who want to see what they can get out of their investment. At the same time, they still have time before houses start selling at lower prices because everyone knows an improvement project needs to be done soon or else no one will buy anything until next year!


As a homeowner or potential homebuyer, it's important to stay up-to-date on your local real estate market. After all, the wellbeing of your investment depends on it! By understanding whether your market is going up or down, you can make more informed decisions about buying, selling, or holding onto your property.We hope this quick guide has helped you get a better grasp of reading your local real estate market. If you have any questions, our team at Leaf Management would be happy to chat with you and offer our expert insights.

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